How To Be Considered

what's required

To be considered for the 2025 Best Places to Work, update your Built In Company Profile is by October 31, 2024. Ensure updates are made on your profile, not local market profiles, as only submissions through will be accepted.

Don’t have a Company Profile? Click here to set up your free account.

Step 1: 

Log In To Your Company Profile

Log-in and click Edit Company Profile under your company’s logo.


If you are not able to edit your Company Profile, email [email protected] for assistance.

Step 2: 

Choose Location(s)

In the Our Basic Info tab of your Company Profile, fill out the Offices section to determine your eligibility for location-based lists.

If you select “Remote” as your Workplace Type, you’ll qualify for our Remote lists. Companies with both remote options and office locations can qualify for local lists too.

Step 3: 

Complete Company Description

In the Who We Are section of your Profile complete or update the “Describe What Your Company Does” section with the latest info.

Step 4: 

Upload Image(s)

In the Who We Are section of your Company Profile, upload your Image. If your company is selected as a winner, this image will appear on the list. 

Note: The Lead Gallery Image must be a JPG or PNG to be eligible.

Step 5: 

Provide Total Employee Headcount

In the Our Basic Info tab of your Company Profile, complete the “Total Employees” section using your global headcount.

Step 6: 

Choose Your Perks + Benefits

In the Perks + Benefits section of your Company Profile, select the perks and benefits that reflect your company’s current offerings.

Step 7: 

Submit Five Salaries

Go to this link and submit at least five salaries. Log in or create an account if prompted. It may take up to 24 hours for the salaries to appear in the tracker. Ensure you select your company name from the dropdown as you type it in the “Company” section to link the salaries correctly.

don’t forget to

Save Your Profile

You must click “Save Profile” after you’ve completed these steps in order for your Best Places to Work Eligibility to be updated. Your salary submissions could see up to a 15 minute delay. If you are having trouble, please email [email protected].